1. Shop around
This is number one and it's good advice that you hear all the time - shop around. Here at compare caravan insurance we've taken a lot of the donkey work out of that - fill in one form and get instant quotes from a selection of the top caravan insurance companies in the UK.
Don't stop there though. If you try other sites and find a cheaper like-for-like quote, give us a ring and we'll see if we can better it.
2. Play with your excess
The larger the excess figure you can stomach the lower your premium will be. The excess is the amount that you will have to pay if you have to make a claim, the insurance company will pay the rest.
On our site you can increase or decrease the excess amount and then re-quote. In a couple of clicks you can see the difference it will make to your premium.
3. Spread the cost
If your caravan insurance premium is over a certain amount the cost can be spread over twelve monthly payments, making it easier to manage.
Strictly speaking this won't actually lower the cost of your insurance, in fact it will make it slightly more expensive over the year as there's a small amount of interest to pay. But it will make it easier to afford.
4. Don't over cover
Obviously you must make sure you accurately estimate the value of your caravan and accessories, or you won't be able to replace them if something goes wrong.
But the higher that value the more expensive your insurance will be. So think about whether you need to cover some accessories that are very old or in poor condition, if they need replacing soon anyway, maybe it's not worth insuring them.
5. New for old or replacement value?
With most insurance policies you can choose between these two options. "New for old" means that you will get enough cash to replace your 'van or accessories with new versions.
If you pick "replacement value", you'll be awarded the same amount of money it will cost you to buy a replacement of the same age and condition as the 'van you're claiming for.
Premiums for "new for old" are more expensive, and probably only worthwhile if you have a new, expensive caravan. Replacement might be better for an older 'van of lower value..
6. Improve security
Many caravan insurance policies will offer a discount if you've fitted additional anti-theft devices. Wheel-locks and hitchlocks are good but alarms and trackers will get you a better discount.
7. Storage options
If you're storing your caravan over winter look for a secure storage facility.
The Caravan Storage Site Owners' Association (CaSSOA) award gold, silver and bronze standards based on their security facilities. So storing your caravan at a Gold CaSSOA site could net you a significant discount.
8. Think before you claim
No claims discounts are offered on caravan policies, just the same as cars.
So if you have a small accident or someone nicks an accessory, think carefully before claiming. It might work out cheaper to pay for the repair or replacement yourself and hang on to your NCD.
9. Join the club
Joining a recognised caravan club can help lower premiums. The Caravan Club, the Camping and Caravan Club and CaSSOA are recognised by most insurance companies.
10. Attend a towing course
Finally, taking advanced driving courses will demonstrate that you are conscientious as well as knowledgeable about towing. Recognised courses and qualifications are offered by:
- Drivecraft
- The Caravan Club
- The Camping and Caravanning Club
- IAM (Institute of Advanced Motorists)
- HGV driving courses (various commercial providers)
Make sure you're properly covered
Those are our top ten tips, good luck with your search. We're going to end by going back to one of our tips, number four, about over-covering.
We just wanted to say that although there is no point in paying more if you've over-estimated the value of your belongings, don't go too far the other way.
The last thing we want is for you to be unable to replace or repair your belongings should something go wrong and you have to put a claim in.